If you're an editorial freelancer, maybe we can help you - and maybe you can help us.
We're looking for editorial freelancers - those who want to get their name out there and get paying jobs in the news and news/feature market - to step forward and have a discussion about how we can develop a network that can help you. What are your ideas? We'll share with you ours, and we'll invite you to fill out a form and put up information on this site, on this space, to reach out to news editors.
If we find a need for writers in your area, we'll be pitching your name, too.
We're looking for writers - freelancers - who may be able to write a column in virtually any field that would be applicable to a newspaper. These could range from food and wine to political pieces that would run on an op-ed page, to business and personal finance columns. If you think it would sell, we'd like to hear from you.
We're reaching out to the nation's newspapers and we thought that, while we did so, it would be useful to extend to those freelancers who have solid, established ideas, an outreach network.
If you're interested in doing a regular column, please let us know.
For more information, or to talk to the editor about this, contact: Myron Struck, editor, 703/866-4708 or 703/304-1897, or Myron@targetednews.com