After the Fury, Hurricanes Can Leave a Lasting Mark on the Deep Ocean
WOODS HOLE, Massachusetts, March 13 -- The Marine Biological Laboratory, an affiliate of the University of Chicago, issued the following news:
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After the Fury, Hurricanes can Leave a Lasting Mark on the Deep Ocean
WOODS HOLE, Mass. - The impact of hurricanes when they travel over land, or when they affect ships or oil-drilling platforms, are quite well understood. But these huge cyclones also stir up the ocean itself, with consequences that are relativ . . .
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After the Fury, Hurricanes can Leave a Lasting Mark on the Deep Ocean
WOODS HOLE, Mass. - The impact of hurricanes when they travel over land, or when they affect ships or oil-drilling platforms, are quite well understood. But these huge cyclones also stir up the ocean itself, with consequences that are relativ . . .