Joe Lombardo Vetoed Legislation to Lower Costs in Favor of Special Interest Donors
LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Feb. 4 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release:
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Joe Lombardo Vetoed Legislation to Lower Costs in Favor of Special Interest Donors
As the 2025 legislative session begins, Joe Lombardo's veto messages from the 2023 legislative session will be read on the Assembly floor. Lombardo's messages do a lazy and disingenuous job of explaining why he vetoed legislation that would have lowered the costs of hou . . .
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Joe Lombardo Vetoed Legislation to Lower Costs in Favor of Special Interest Donors
As the 2025 legislative session begins, Joe Lombardo's veto messages from the 2023 legislative session will be read on the Assembly floor. Lombardo's messages do a lazy and disingenuous job of explaining why he vetoed legislation that would have lowered the costs of hou . . .