Binghamton University: Evolutionary Tradeoffs - Research Explores the Role of Iron Levels in COVID-19 Infections
BINGHAMTON, New York, Jan. 17 (TNSjou) -- Binghamton University issued the following news:
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Biological anthropologist Katherine Wander studies the 'arms race' over a critical resource
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By Jennifer Micale
Your body is ground zero for a cellular arms race.
Your mitochondria, red blood cells and immune system rely on iron to function; so do invading viruses and bacteria. As your body evolves safeguards . . .
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Biological anthropologist Katherine Wander studies the 'arms race' over a critical resource
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By Jennifer Micale
Your body is ground zero for a cellular arms race.
Your mitochondria, red blood cells and immune system rely on iron to function; so do invading viruses and bacteria. As your body evolves safeguards . . .