131 Organizations Call on Congress to Strengthen Whistleblower Protections for Government Contractors
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 -- The Government Accountability Project issued the following news release on Oct. 2, 2023:
Today, Government Accountability Project along with 130 other public interest organizations sent a letter to Congress urging them to pass legislation to modernize and strengthen legal protections for government contractor and grantee whistleblowers who expose fraud, waste of funds, or abuse of authority in federal spending.
The Expanding Whistleblower Protectio . . .
Andrew Harman, Government Accountability Project Communications Director, 202/926-3304, andrewh@whistleblower.org
Today, Government Accountability Project along with 130 other public interest organizations sent a letter to Congress urging them to pass legislation to modernize and strengthen legal protections for government contractor and grantee whistleblowers who expose fraud, waste of funds, or abuse of authority in federal spending.
The Expanding Whistleblower Protectio . . .