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State Tipoffs Involving Maine Newsletter for 2024-12-14 ( 2 items )  
Maine Gov. Mills Radio Address: For Holiday Gift Ideas, Visit (10)
AUGUSTA, Maine, Dec. 14 -- Gov. Janet Mills, D-Maine, issued the following radio address on Dec. 13, 2024: Well, with two important holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah, right around the corner, it's clear that we're in the full swing of the holiday season already. I know that Maine people are looking forward to enjoying time with friends and family this time of year, and I am as well. But hey, if you haven't finished your holiday shopping yet, or if you're a bit of a last minute shopper like I am more PR

Maine PUC Issues Order Involving Ellsworth ME Solar (10)
AUGUSTA, Maine, Dec. 14 -- The Maine Public Utilities Commission issued the following order (No. 2024-00108) on Dec. 13, 2024: * * * ELLSWORTH ME SOLAR, LLC, Request for Good Cause Exemption Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. Sec. 3209-A ORDER BARTLETT, Chair; SCULLY and GILBERT/1, Commissioners I. SUMMARY The Commission denies the request of Ellsworth ME Solar, LLC (Ellsworth Solar or the Petitioner) for a good-cause exemption pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. Sec. 3209-A(9). II. STATUTORY BACKGROUND During more PR