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U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Florida Newsletter for 2024-10-25 ( 7 items )  
Congresista Salazar entrega $3,5 millones en fondos federales para viviendas asequibles para adultos mayores en Miami (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Maria Salazar, R-Florida, issued the following news release: MIAMI, FL Hoy, la representante Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) se unio a la Comision de la ciudad de Miami para dar a conocer una inversion de $3.5 millones en nuevas viviendas asequibles en la ciudad para personas mayores. Los fondos se destinaran a la construccion del Proyecto de Vivienda Asequible para Personas Mayores de Flagler, un Proyecto de Financiamiento Comunitario solicitado y aprobado en la Ley de more PR

El Senador Rick Scott se une al Senador Marco Rubio en una carta a la Administracion Biden-Harris: Las personas vinculadas al Regimen Cubano no son bienvenidas (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Tras los informes de que el programa de inmigracion de la Administracion Biden-Harris ha permitido que personas vinculadas al regimen ilegitimo cubano ingresen y residan en los Estados Unidos, El Senador Rick Scott se unio al Senador Marco Rubio para enviar una carta al Secretario de Estado Antony Blinken y al Secretario de Seguridad Nacional Alejandro Mayorkas pidiendo una revision de los procedimientos para  more PR

Rep. Aaron Bean Recognized as Retail Crime Fighter (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Aaron Bean, R-Florida, issued the following news release: On Fight Retail Crime Day, U.S. Congressman Aaron Bean (FL-04) was named a Congressional Retail Crime Fighter by the National Retail Federation (NRF) for his work to combat organized retail crime, protect public safety, and support small business owners in the 118th Congress. "Northeast Floridians are fed up with organized retail crime and the threat it poses to our communities and that's why I'm taking actio more PR

Rep. Cory Mills Introduces Preventing SBA Assistance From Going to China Act (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Cory Mills, R-Florida, issued the following news release: In an effort to protect and prioritize American businesses, not those backed by adversarial nations, Representative Cory Mills (FL-07) introduced the Preventing SBA Assistance from Going to China Act (H.R. 9904). This bill would prohibit businesses headquartered in the People's Republic of China or those with over 25% of their voting stock owned by affiliates of the People's Republic of China from accessing Sm more PR

Salazar Delivers $3.5 Million in Federal Funding for Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens in Miami (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Maria Salazar, R-Florida, issued the following news release: MIAMI, FL Today, Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) joined the Miami City Commission to unveil a $3.5 million investment in new affordable housing in the City for senior citizens. The funding will go towards the construction of the Flagler Affordable Senior Housing Project, a Community Funding Project requested and approved in the Fiscal Year 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act, legislation the Congresswoma more PR

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Marco Rubio in Letter to Biden-Harris Officials: Individuals Tied to Cuban Regime Are Not Welcome (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Following reports that the Biden-Harris administration's mass immigration program has allowed individuals tied to the illegitimate Cuban regime to enter and reside in the U.S., Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio in sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas calling for a review of the procedures for making determinations on entry and p more PR

Senator Rick Scott & Congressman Josh Brecheen Introduce Debt-Per-Citizen Transparency Act (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Senator Rick Scott and Congressman Josh Brecheen introduced the Debt-Per-Citizen Transparency Act, which requires all Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cost estimates to include how much the bill will affect the total debt-to-citizen ratio. Senator Rick Scott said, "The national debt has reached an unsustainable $35+ trillion dollars and it is beyond time for some accountability to the American people. more PR