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Science Tipoffs from TNS Newsletter for 2024-10-23 ( 10 items )  
150 Groups to EPA: Halt Permitting of Carbon Injection Wells After Dangerous Leaks at Nation's First CCS Facility (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 -- The Food and Water Watch issued the following news release: More than 150 advocacy groups signed a letter sent to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan today, calling on the agency to halt the injection of carbon dioxide into existing underground well sites and reject approval of new injection wells. The letter comes on the heels of multiple leaks discovered at the country's first commercial underground carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility more PR

American Geophysical Union: Ethical Framework Aims to Counter Risks of Geoengineering Research (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 (TNSres) -- The American Geophysical Union issued the following news release: * * * Pressure for climate intervention may gain momentum as world heats up * * * As interest grows in geoengineering as a strategy for tackling global warming, the world's largest association of Earth and space scientists today launched an ethical framework as a guide to responsible decision-making and inclusive dialogue. The report, facilitated by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and advi more PR

Australian Academy of Science: Learned Academy a First for Pacific Islands Scientists (10)
CANBERRA, Australia, Oct. 23 -- The Australian Academy of Science issued the following news release: The Pacific Islands is the only region in the world that does not have its own learned academy and a local collective voice for science, despite the region experiencing profound impacts due to climate change. That changes from today, thanks to the launch of the Pacific Academy of Sciences and the election of 12 eminent scholars as Foundation Fellows, who will provide a strong voice for science  more PR

International Science Council: Pacific Academy of Sciences Launch - Harnessing the Knowledge of the Pacific (10)
PARIS, France, Oct. 23 -- The International Science Council issued the following news: The Prime Minister of Samoa Hon. Fiame Dr Naomi Mata'afa is set to officially launch the Pacific Academy of Sciences (the Academy) and welcome its Foundation Fellows at an official side-event at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Samoa. The Academy promotes the study and application of the natural and social sciences, the humanities, indigenous knowledge, and technology for the benefit of the Pa more PR

Johns Hopkins APL Projects Protect National Security Assets From Space Weather (10)
LAUREL, Maryland, Oct. 23 (TNSres) -- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory issued the following news release: Space weather is a double-edged sword: It's capable of delivering majestic phenomena like the auroras near Earth's poles, but it can also have more alarming consequences with significant national security implications. In 2014, for example, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, discovered that plasma bubbles connected  more PR

Ovulation filmed from start to finish for the first time (10)
MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 21 [Category: Science] (TNSres) -- The Max Planck Society issued the following news: Approximately 400 times in a woman's life, a mature egg makes the "leap." It is released into the fallopian tube, ready for fertilization by the sperm. Researchers led by Melina Schuh, Christopher Thomas, and Tabea Lilian Marx from the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences have now succeeded in visualizing the entire process of ovulation in mouse follicles in real-time. The n more PR

Psychopaths - Cold as Ice? (10)
MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 21 [Category: Science] (TNSres) -- The Max Planck Society issued the following news: Psychopathic people have great difficulty or are even unable to show empathy and regulate their emotions. According to a new study by Matthias Burghart, a Max Planck researcher in Freiburg, this could be because these people suffer from alexithymia, also known as emotional blindness. The term alexithymia is an amalgam of the Greek prefix a (without) and the words lexis (reading) and thymo more PR

SETI Institute Launches Art and AI Residency, Unveils Six Nominees for Innovative Program (10)
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California, Oct. 23 -- SETI Institute, a research and education organization whose mission is to lead humanity's quest to understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the Universe, issued the following news release: The SETI Artist in Residency (AIR) program announced Algorithmic Imaginings, a new residency that explores how AI technologies affect science and society. The residency focuses on creative research topics such as imaginary life, human-AI collabora more PR

SSPI Names Mackenzie Mason, Paige Webster and Bradley Williams as the 2024 Promise Award Winners at the Future Leaders Celebration (10)
NEW YORK, Oct. 23 -- The Space and Satellite Professionals International issued the following news release: Last night at the Future Leaders Celebration in Silicon Valley, Space & Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) presented the 2024 Promise Awards to Mackenzie Mason of Boeing, Paige Webster of ATLAS Space Operations and Bradley Williams of NASA. The Promise Awards honor the three top-ranked members of the annual "20 Under 35" list of space & satellite employees and entrepreneurs age  more PR

Testosterone: a male and a female sex hormone (10)
MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 22 [Category: Science] (TNSres) -- The Max Planck Society issued the following news: One way the 'male hormone' testosterone works is by binding to the androgen receptor. Researchers at the Technical University Munich and the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence have succeeded in breeding chickens without the androgen receptor for the first time. This allowed them to study how androgen signaling affects development and appearance: animals of both sexes are infe more PR