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Journals Financial Services Newsletter for 2024-07-07 ( 2 items )  
International Journal of Bank Marketing Issues Research Articles in Vol. 42, Issue 5 (10)
LEEDS, England, July 6 -- The International Journal of Bank Marketing, a peer-reviewed journal that says it provides the venue for the dissemination of research on marketing issues related to a range of financial services providers, from banks and insurers to financial advisors and credit providers, published research articles on the following topics in its Vol. 42, Issue 5 edition: * Promoting fintech: driving developing country consumers' mobile wallet use through gamification and trust * Im more PR

Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Issues Research Articles in Vol. 35, Issue 1 (10)
NEW YORK, July 2 -- The Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, a peer-reviewed journal from the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education that says it features financial education and counseling techniques, published research articles on the following topics in its Vol. 35, Issue 1: Original Study: * Working While in College Brings Happiness? Financial Stress-Coping Resources, Coping Strategies, and Life Satisfaction Among College Students * The Retirement Consumptio more PR