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GOVERNMENT - Congressional Research Service Newsletter for 2024-03-24 ( 42 items )  
Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Accessibility of Federal Information & Data (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12093) on March 20, 2024, by Natalie R. Ortiz, government organization and management analyst: * * * The Accessibility of Federal Information and Data: A Brief Overview of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Nearly one in four Americans has a disability, according to 2018 estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. Congress has recognized that in addition to making federal information and  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on American Indian, Alaska Native & Tribal Population Data (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12612) on March 18, 2024. The white paper by natural resources policy specialist Mariel J. Murray and research librarians Ben Leubsdorf and Nik Taylor. Here are excerpts: * * * American Indian, Alaska Native, and Tribal Population Data Overview Federal agencies collect population data, including on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities and federally recognized tribes more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Department of Navy (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF10484) on March 19, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke: * * * Defense Primer: Department of the Navy One Military Department with Two Military Services The Department of the Navy (DON) is a single military department that includes two military services - the Navy and the Marine Corps. As such, DON has a single civilian leader, the Secretary of the Navy, and two four-star more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Enforcement of Economic Sanctions (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12406) on March 18, 2024, by Legislative Attorney Jennifer K. Elsea: * * * Enforcement of Economic Sanctions: An Overview The United States imposes economic restrictive measures ("economic sanctions") on foreign states or non-state actors that engage in objectionable conduct. The sanctions may encompass individuals, sectors, and entities that are financing or otherwise connected to the  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Forming a Funded Federal Regional Commission (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11744) on March 15, 2024, by economic development policy analyst Julie M. Lawhorn. Here are excerpts: * * * Forming a Funded Federal Regional Commission During the 117th Congress, the Senate confirmed the nominations of the federal co-chairs for the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission (SCRC) and the Southwest Border Regional Commission (SBRC), thereby allowing them to convene and be more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Geography, Strategy, & U.S. Force Design (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF10485) on March 19, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke: * * * Defense Primer: Geography, Strategy, and U.S. Force Design World geography is an influence on U.S. strategy, which in turn helps shape the design of U.S. military forces. World Geography and U.S. Strategy Most of the world's people, resources, and economic activity are located not in the Western Hemisphere,  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Interior Department Support for Tribal Water Projects (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12616) on March 21, 2024. The white paper was written by natural resources policy specialists Charles V. Stern, Mariel J. Murray and Anna E. Normand. Here are excerpts: * * * Department of the Interior Support for Tribal Water Projects Congress regulates tribal affairs, including tribal access to water resources, pursuant to its constitutional authority. In addition, the federal gove more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Iran & Nuclear Weapons Production (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12106) on March 20, 2024, by nonproliferation specialist Paul K. Kerr: * * * Iran and Nuclear Weapons Production Background Iran's nuclear program has generated widespread concern that Tehran is pursuing nuclear weapons. According to U.S. intelligence assessments, Tehran has the capacity to produce nuclear weapons at some point, but has halted its nuclear weapons program and has not ma more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11729) on March 19, 2024, by military ground forces specialist Andrew Feickert. Here are excerpts: * * * Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Background The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is an Army-led, joint-service program designed to replace a portion of each service's light tactical wheeled vehicle fleets. The JLTV FoV consists of two variants: the fo more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Labor Force Participation Rate (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12615) on March 19, 2024, by labor policy analyst Elizabeth Weber Handwerker. Here are excerpts: * * * The Labor Force Participation Rate This In Focus provides an introduction to the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR), a key measure of the labor market. It is the fraction of people who are engaged in the labor force, whether they are employed or actively looking for employment. Ho more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on LGM-35A Sentinel Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11681) on March 19, 2024, by defense policy analyst Anya L. Fink and defense infrastructure policy analyst Alexandra G. Neenan: * * * Defense Primer: LGM-35A Sentinel Intercontinental Ballistic Missile The LGM-35A Sentinel is an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system that is expected to replace the Minuteman III (MMIII) ICBM in the U.S. nuclear force structure. MMIII has serve more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Marine Corps Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11831) on March 20, 2024, by military ground forces specialist Andrew Feickert. Here are excerpts: * * * Marine Corps Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) What Is the Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV)? According to the Marine Corps, the Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) is planned to be a new armored vehicle family to replace the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV): 'Since the 1980 more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Marine Corps' Amphibious Combat Vehicle (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11755) on March 19, 2024, by military ground forces specialist Andrew Feickert. Here are excerpts: * * * The Marine Corps' Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) Background The Marine Corps describes the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) as 'The Corps' next-generation vehicle designed to move Marines from ship to shore (Figure 1). Designed to replace the Corps' aging Amphibious Assault Vehi more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Naval Forces (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11729) on March 19, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke: * * * Defense Primer: Naval Forces "Naval Forces" Refers to Both the Navy and Marine Corps Although the term naval forces is often used to refer specifically to Navy forces, it more properly refers to both Navy and Marine Corps forces, because both the Navy and Marine Corps are naval services. For further discussion more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Navy DDG(X) Next-Generation Destroyer Program (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11679) on March 20, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke. Here are excerpts: * * * Navy DDG(X) Next-Generation Destroyer Program: Background and Issues for Congress Introduction The Navy's DDG(X) program envisages procuring a class of next-generation guided-missile destroyers (DDGs) to replace the Navy's Ticonderoga (CG-47) class Aegis cruisers and older Arleigh Burke (DD more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Navy Light Replenishment Oiler Program (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11674) on March 20, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke. Here are excerpts: * * * Navy Light Replenishment Oiler (TAOL) Program: Background and Issues for Congress Introduction The Navy's Light Replenishment Oiler (TAOL) program, previously called the Next-Generation Logistics Ship (NGLS) program, envisages procuring a new class of potentially 13 at-sea resupply ships fo more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Navy Next-Generation Attack Submarine Program (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11826) on March 21, 2024, by naval affairs specialist Ronald O'Rourke. Here are excerpts: * * * Navy Next-Generation Attack Submarine (SSN[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress Introduction The Navy has been procuring Virginia-class nuclear powered attack submarines (SSNs) since FY1998. The Navy's envisaged successor to the Virginia-class design is the Next-Generation Attack more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on NOAA FY2024 Budget Request & Appropriations (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12406) on March 18, 2024, by natural resources policy analyst Eva Lipiec. Here are excerpts: * * * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) FY2024 Budget Request and Appropriations The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is an agency in the Department of Commerce whose mission is to understand and predict changes in weather, climate, oceans, and coasts; more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on Overview of UN System (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF11780) on March 20, 2024, by international relations specialist Luisa Blanchfield. Here are excerpts: * * * United Nations Issues: Overview of the United Nations System The United Nations (U.N.) system comprises interconnected entities including the United Nations, specialized agencies, U.N. peacekeeping operations, funds and programs, and other related bodies. Congress has generally  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on U.S. Center for SafeSport (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12467) on March 19, 2024, by Ben Wilhelm, government organization and management analyst: * * * U.S. Center for SafeSport: A Primer The U.S. Center for SafeSport ("the Center") is the primary amateur athletics organization in the United States with responsibility for preventing and responding to sexual and other abuse. Between its creation in 2017 and December 2022, the Center received  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on U.S. Health Care Coverage & Spending (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12616) on March 20, 2024, by health care financing analyst Ryan J. Rosso. Here are excerpts: * * * U.S. Health Care Coverage and Spending In 2022, the United States had an estimated population of 328 million individuals. Most of those individuals had private health insurance or were covered under a federal program (such as Medicare or Medicaid). About 8.0% of the U.S. population was un more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on American Climate Corps (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12334) on March 19, 2024, by natural resources policy analyst Mark K. DeSantis and education policy analyst Adam K. Edgerton: * * * The American Climate Corps On September 20, 2023, the Biden Administration announced the launch of a new American Climate Corps (ACC) initiative. The ACC is described as a "workforce training and service initiative" to provide individuals with access to trai more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Artificial Intelligence & Campaign Finance Policy (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12222) on March 18, 2024, by American national government specialist R. Sam Garrett: * * * Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Campaign Finance Policy: Recent Developments No federal statute or regulation specifically addresses artificial intelligence (AI) in political campaigns. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) and Federal Election Commission (FEC or commission) regulations govern  more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Biden Administration Again Proposes Temporary Operating Assistance Authority for Larger Transit Agencies (10)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12335) on March 21, 2024, by transportation policy specialist William J. Mallett. Here are excerpts: * * * Biden Administration Again Proposes Temporary Operating Assistance Authority for Larger Transit Agencies In the FY2025 budget, the Biden Administration again has proposed allowing larger public transportation agencies greater flexibility in the use of Urbanized Area Formula funds t more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Haiti in Crisis (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12331) on March 15, 2024, by Latin American affairs specialists Clare Ribando Seelke and Karla I. Rios: * * * Haiti in Crisis: What Role for a Multinational Security Support Mission? The political and security situation in Haiti has deteriorated since late February, with nearly 1,200 killed between January 1 and March 6, 2024. The Haitian government has declared and extended a state of e more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Pakistan's 2024 National Election (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12336) on March 21, 2024, by South Asian affairs specialist K. Alan Kronstadt: * * * Pakistan's 2024 National Election Overview Congress has taken interest in Pakistan's democratization, viewing progress as important to U.S. interests including security cooperation and economic stability. In the 118th Congress, H.Res. 901 - expressing support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan - more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Stafford Act Assistance for Public Health Incidents (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN11229) on March 15, 2024, by Erica A. Lee, emergency management and disaster recovery specialist, and Bruce R. Lindsay, American national government specialist: * * * Stafford Act Assistance for Public Health Incidents This Insight provides an overview and examples of presidential declarations under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (hereinafter the Staf more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Insight White Paper on Updates to FEMA's Individuals & Households Program (10)
WASHINGTON, March 20 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Insight white paper (No. IN12333) on March 19, 2024, by Elizabeth M. Webster, emergency management and disaster recovery specialist: * * * Updates to FEMA's Individuals and Households Program Made by the "Individual Assistance Program Equity" Rulemaking On January 22, 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published an interim final rule (IFR) amending its regulations governing the Individual Assista more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Legal Sidebar White Paper on Court Selection & Forum Shopping (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Legal Sidebar white paper (No. LSB10856) on March 21, 2024, by legislative attorney Joanna R. Lampe: * * * Where a Suit Can Proceed: Court Selection and Forum Shopping The past several years have seen court cases challenging high-profile government actions including environmental regulations, immigration policies, election administration, economic measures, and government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Plaint more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Legal Sidebar White Paper on H.R. 7521 Regulation of TikTok (10)
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Legal Sidebar white paper (No. LSB11127) on March 20, 2024. The white paper was written by legislative attorneys Peter J. Benson, Joanna R. Lampe and Valerie C. Brannon: * * * H.R. 7521 Regulation of TikTok: Analysis of Selected Legal Issues On March 13, 2024, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act (H.R. 7521). If enacted, H.R. 7521 would ma more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Legal Sidebar White Paper on Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers, March 11 - March 17, 2024 (10)
WASHINGTON, March 23 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Legal Sidebar white paper (No. LSB11128) on March 18, 2024. The white paper was written by legislative attorney Jason O. Heflin, deputy assistant director Michael John Garcia and research planning coordinator Erin H. Ward: * * * Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (March 11-March 17, 2024) The federal courts issue hundreds of decisions every week in cases involving div more PR

Congressional Research Service Issues Legal Sidebar White Paper on Supreme Court to Consider Federal Obstruction Provision in Capitol Breach Prosecution (10)
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following Legal Sidebar white paper (No. LSB11126) on March 20, 2024, by legislative attorney Peter G. Berris: * * * Fischer v. United States: Supreme Court to Consider Federal Obstruction Provision in Capitol Breach Prosecution On December 13, 2023, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Fischer v. United States, a case concerning whether a federal obstruction of justice statute covers a defendant's alleged participation  more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Congressional Control Over Supreme Courts' (Part 1 of 4) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R47382) on Dec. 6, 2023, entitled "Congressional Control over the Supreme Courts" by legislative attorney Joanna R. Lampe. Here are excerpts: * * * SUMMARY The Constitution's Framers structured the Constitution to promote the separation of powers and protect the federal courts from undue influence by Congress and the executive branch. Among the federal courts, the Constitution grants the Sup more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Congressional Control Over Supreme Courts' (Part 2 of 4) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R47382) on Dec. 6, 2023, entitled "Congressional Control over the Supreme Courts:" (Continued from Part 1 of 4) * * * Changes to Supreme Court Justices' Tenure Among other provisions intended to safeguard judicial independence,/115 the Constitution guarantees that Supreme Court Justices "shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour."/116 Under prevailing interpretations of the Constitution  more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Congressional Control Over Supreme Courts' (Part 3 of 4) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R47382) on Dec. 6, 2023, entitled "Congressional Control over the Supreme Courts:" (Continued from Part 2 of 4) * * * Other Structural Changes to the Supreme Court While Supreme Court expansion and the imposition of term limits are the proposals that have garnered the most attention in recent years, some commentators have proposed other structural reforms. Often, those reforms would involve c more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Congressional Control Over Supreme Courts' (Part 4 of 4) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R47382) on Dec. 6, 2023, entitled "Congressional Control over the Supreme Courts:" (Continued from Part 3 of 4) * * * Voting Rules and Congressional Override Some Supreme Court reform proposals would seek to shift the existing balance of power between the judicial and legislative branches by making it more difficult for the Court to declare a law unconstitutional or allowing Congress or some  more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment - Agencies & Considerations for Congress' (Part 1 of 2) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No.R47883) on Dec. 26, 2023, entitled "Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment: Agencies and Considerations for Congress." The report was written by telecommunications policy specialists Colby Leigh Rachfal and Ling Zhu and agricultural policy specialist Lisa S. Benson. Here are excerpts: * * * SUMMARY Access to high-speed internet, also known as broadband, has been a particular concern of man more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment - Agencies & Considerations for Congress' (Part 2 of 2) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No.R47883) on Dec. 26, 2023, entitled "Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment - Agencies and Considerations for Congress:" (Continued from Part 1 of 2) * * * Policy Issues and Considerations for Congress The presence of multiple federal broadband deployment funding efforts at different agencies has created a complex programmatic landscape. As such, Congress may examine the differing policy appr more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Federal Traffic Safety Programs - In Brief' (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R43026) on Jan. 11, 2024, entitled "Federal Traffic Safety Programs: In Brief" by transportation policy analyst David Randall Peterman. Here are excerpts: * * * Contents Introduction ... 1 Measuring Traffic Safety ... 2 Federal Efforts to Promote Traffic Safety ... 3 Federal Highway Administration: Roadway Safety Improvements ... 4 Highway Safety Improvement Program ... 5 Safe Stree more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Nuclear Energy - Overview of Congressional Issues' (Part 1 of 3) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R42853) on Jan. 17, 2024, entitled "Nuclear Energy: Overview of Congressional Issues" by energy policy specialist Mark Holt. Here are excerpts: * * * SUMMARY The policy debate over the role of nuclear power in the nation's energy mix is rooted in the technology's fundamental characteristics. Nuclear reactors can produce potentially vast amounts of useful energy with relatively low consumptio more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Nuclear Energy - Overview of Congressional Issues' (Part 2 of 3) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R42853) on Jan. 17, 2024, entitled "Nuclear Energy - Overview of Congressional Issues:" (Continued from Part 1 of 3) * * * Uranium and Fuel Supply The nuclear fuel supply chain begins with the mining of uranium, which is found in geological deposits with widely varying concentrations throughout the world. Mined natural uranium is concentrated to the form of an oxide, U3O8, known as yellowcak more PR

Congressional Research Service: 'Nuclear Energy - Overview of Congressional Issues' (Part 2 of 3) (10)
WASHINGTON, March 19 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R42853) on Jan. 17, 2024, entitled "Nuclear Energy - Overview of Congressional Issues:" (Continued from Part 1 of 3) * * * Safety and Regulation The 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan, triggered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and 45-foot tsunami, greatly increased concerns about safety in the nuclear policy debate. The accident clearly demonstrated the potential consequenc more PR