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TNS -- Congressional Reports Newsletter for 2024-03-17 ( 5 items )  
House Energy & Commerce Committee Issues Report on Energy Emergency Leadership Act (10)
WASHINGTON, March 16 -- The House Energy and Commerce Committee issued a report (H.Rpt. 118-402) on the Energy Emergency Leadership Act (H.R. 3277), which aims to amend the Department of Energy Organization Act with respect to functions assigned to assistant secretaries. The report was advanced by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Washington, on Feb. 29, 2024. Here are excerpts: * * * Purpose and Summary H.R. 3277, Energy Emergency Leadership Act, was introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) with  more ST

House Homeland Security Committee Issues Report on Improving Travel For Families Act (10)
WASHINGTON, March 13 -- The House Homeland Security Committee issued a report (H.Rpt. 118-403) on the Improving Travel For Families Act (H.R. 5969), which aims to direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to revise certain regulations to permit certain children to accompany their parents or legal guardians through Global Entry airport lanes. The report was advanced by Rep. Mark Green, R-Tennessee, on March 1, 2024. Here are excerpts: * * * PURPOSE AND SUMMARY H.R. 5969, The "Improving Travel more ST

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Issues Report on Establishing Expiration Date for Committee Resolutions with Respect to Leases, Projects (10)
WASHINGTON, March 13 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee issued a report (H.Rpt. 118-413) on a bill (H.R. 6316), which aims to amend Title 40 of the U.S. Code, to establish an expiration date of certain committee resolutions with respect to leases or projects. The report was advanced by Rep. Sam Graves, R-Missouri, on March 7, 2024. Here are excerpts: * * * Purpose of Legislation The purpose of H.R. 6316 is to amend title 40, United States Code, to establish an expiratio more ST

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Issues Report on FASTA Reform Act (10)
WASHINGTON, March 13 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee issued a report (H.Rpt. 118-414) on the FASTA Reform Act (H.R. 6277), which aims to amend the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 to improve such Act. The report was advanced by Rep. Sam Graves, R-Missouri, on March 7, 2024. Here are excerpts: * * * Purpose of Legislation The purpose of H.R. 6277, the FASTA Reform Act of 2023, is to amend the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 to improve such Act more ST

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Issues Report on use of Capitol Grounds for National Peace Officers Memorial Service, National Honor Guard & Pipe Band Exhibition (10)
WASHINGTON, March 13 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee issued a report (H.Rpt. 118-415) on a concurrent resolution H.Con.Res. 83), which aims authorize the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition. The report was advanced by Rep. Sam Graves, R-Missouri, on March 7, 2024. Here are excerpts: * * * PURPOSE OF LEGISLATION The purpose of H. Con. Res. 83 is authorizing the use of the Cap more ST