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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Delaware Newsletter for 2024-02-11 ( 2 items ) |
National Partnership for Women and Families: On #FMLA31, States are Leading the Way for Comprehensive Paid Leave Programs (10)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 -- The National Partnership for Women and Families issued the following news release:
New analysis from the National Partnership for Women & Families (NPWF) highlights the positive impacts on families and state economies when workers have access to state-implemented paid family and medical leave programs that provide workers the ability to address their own serious health needs, care for a family member with a major illness, injury or disability, or to welcome a new child. So more PR
Research!America to Honor Michael N. Castle With Advocacy Award (10)
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Feb. 8 -- Research!America issued the following news release:
Research!America announced today that former Delaware Governor and U.S. Representative Mike Castle has been selected to receive the John Edward Porter Legacy Award for his outstanding commitment to sustaining the nation's world-class leadership in medical and health research. He will be honored at Research!America's 2024 Advocacy Awards on March 13 in Washington, DC.
The John Edward Porter Legacy Award is genero more PR