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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Tennessee Newsletter for 2023-12-24 ( 6 items )  
American Soybean Association: Growers Commend Chlorpyrifos Restoration, EPA Commitment to Science-Based Process (10)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 -- The American Soybean Association issued the following news release: In response to the Environmental Protection Agency's latest announcement that it will restore uses of chlorpyrifos and commit to a science-based review of the pesticide, Alan Meadows, American Soybean Association director and soybean grower from Halls, Tennessee, commented on behalf of the soy industry and echoed sentiments felt by other grower groups pleased by the decision. "U.S. soybean growers welcom more PR

Appalachian Voices: Communities Honor Kingston Coal Ash Cleanup Workers With Video, Billboards, and Ceremony for 15th Spill Anniversary (10)
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, Dec. 20 -- Appalachian Voices issued the following news release: To honor cleanup workers for the 15th anniversary of TVA's Kingston Coal Ash Spill, communities released a powerful short video and set up five billboards. Roane County, which just established the spill anniversary as an annual day of remembrance for the workers, will also hold a ceremony on Dec. 22 at 10 a.m. ET on the steps of the Roane County Courthouse: 200 E Race St #11, Kingston, TN 37763. On Dec. 22,  more PR

Newly Appointed Farm Bureau Members to Lead National Program Committees (10)
NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Dec. 19 -- The American Farm Bureau Federation issued the following news release: Farm Bureau farmer and rancher members play an important role in our communities and our organization by serving on governing boards and committees at local, state and national levels. Several newly appointed volunteers will provide leadership beginning in 2024 as members of the American Farm Bureau Federation's Young Farmers & Ranchers and Promotion & Education committees. "Farm Bureau memb more PR

Oak Ridge Associated Universities Annual Giving Campaign Exceeds $100,000 Goal (10)
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, Dec. 22 -- The Oak Ridge Associated Universities issued the following news release: ORAU exceeded its goal of raising $100,000 in donations as part of its internal annual giving campaign that benefits the United Way and Community Shares nonprofit organizations. ORAU has raised more than $1 million over the past 10 years through this campaign. A total of $121,030 was pledged during the 2023 ORAU Annual Giving Campaign. Employees donate via payroll deduction and could earma more PR

Scott Stephens is DU's New Director of Prairie and Boreal Conservation (10)
MEMPHIS, Tennessee, Dec. 20 -- Ducks Unlimited issued the following news release: Scott Stephens, Ph.D., is Ducks Unlimited Inc.'s (DU) new director of Prairie and Boreal Conservation. Stephens spent 13 years with Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and focused on conservation delivery in the Prairies and Boreal, most recently as DUC's director of Conservation Strategy and Support. He will work out of DU's Great Plains Region, starting this spring. Stephens will focus on accelerating DU's conservatio more PR

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy: Dereliction of Duty (10)
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, Dec. 20 -- The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy issued the following news release on Dec. 19, 2023: The Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) today neglected an opportunity to pursue equity in rates for residential and small business customers. These customer classes have funded the vast majority (80%-90% of around $4 billion) collected through the Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery (NCCR) rider while Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 have been under construction for the last more PR