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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Nebraska Newsletter for 2023-06-18 ( 5 items )  
Center for Rural Affairs: House Appropriations Bill Sets a Mixed Outlook for Rural Funding (10)
LYONS, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSgov) -- The Center for Rural Affairs issued the following news release: On Wednesday, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee passed its agriculture appropriations bill for 2024. The $17.8 billion spending package, which proposes annual funding levels for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), follows the March release of the Biden administration's budget for the same year. While the package included spending cuts for multiple USDA programs, House appropriators more PR

Center for Rural Affairs: New Report Explores Benefits of Co-Location of Solar, Ag Land (10)
LYONS, Nebraska, June 15 (TNSres) -- The Center for Rural Affairs issued the following news release: As demand for clean energy increases, many state and local governments are prudently discussing the impact future solar development will have on agricultural lands. Because large-scale solar requires considerable land use, a new report from the Center for Rural Affairs (produced for NCAT's AgriSolar Clearinghouse) aims to provide decision-makers and others an overview of policy approaches they  more PR

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor Wins Inaugural Women in Ethanol Award (10)
OMAHA, Nebraska, June 14 (TNSawa) -- Growth Energy, a trade association that represents ethanol producers, issued the following news release: Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor was honored with the first-ever Women in Ethanol award today at the 2023 Fuel Ethanol Workshop, ongoing in Omaha, Neb. The award was developed by BBI International--publishers of Ethanol Producer Magazine--to recognize one pioneering woman each year for their outstanding contributions to the American ethanol industry. For its more PR

Nation's Leading Expert on Early Childhood Education and Care Joins BPC as Senior Fellow (10)
WASHINGTON, June 15 (TNSper) -- The Bipartisan Policy Center issued the following news release on June 14, 2023: Today, the Bipartisan Policy Center welcomed Walter S. Gilliam, Ph.D. as a new senior fellow working with BPC's Early Childhood Initiative. Dr. Gilliam, most known for his work on preschool expulsion and suspension, early childhood mental health, and race and gender bias in early childhood settings, is the executive director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute and the Richard D. more PR

Nebraska Farm Bureau County Leaders Engage With Elected Officials in Washington, D.C. (10)
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSgov) -- The Nebraska Farm Bureau issued the following news release: Eleven county Farm Bureau leaders traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with elected officials to discuss the 2023 farm bill priorities, EPA's Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulation, and labor/immigration during Nebraska Farm Bureau's first County Leaders D.C. Fly-In. Over the course of three days, these individuals met with Senators Deb Fischer and Pete Ricketts, Representatives Adrian Smi more PR