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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Wyoming Newsletter for 2023-02-26 ( 2 items )  
CAIR Reiterates Support for South Carolina Hate Crime Law After Bill Advances from Subcommittee (10)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (TNSpp) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations issued the following news release on Feb. 24, 2023: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today reiterated its support for calls on South Carolina lawmakers to pass a hate crime bill following the advancement of the bill in a state House subcommittee. The Clementa C. Pickney Hate Crime Law was advanced by a South Carolina House of Representat more PR

Center for Biological Diversity: Lawsuit Launched to Protect Colorado Wolves From Hunters at Wyoming Border (10)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 (TNSgov) -- The Center for Biological Diversity issued the following news release on Feb. 22, 2023: The Center for Biological Diversity today notified the U.S. Forest Service of its intent to sue over the agency's failure to protect wolves from hunters in Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. The lawsuit would seek a ban on wolf hunting and trapping in the entire forest, which straddles the Colorado-Wyoming border. "Colorado's precious, endangered wolves shouldn't be gunned d more PR