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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Wyoming Newsletter for 2022-11-13 ( 4 items )  
ACLU Comment on Upcoming SCOTUS Oral Arguments Challenging the Indian Child Welfare Act (10)
CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Nov. 7 (TNSgov) -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Wyoming issued the following news release on Nov. 7, 2022: The Supreme Court is preparing to hear oral arguments on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Brackeen v. Haaland, a case that could gut the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) -- a law which establishes basic requirements to protect Native American children from continued forced removal from their families, tribes and tribal culture. The American Civil Liberties Union, along wit more PR

Dr. Kevin Carman to Represent Wyoming on the WICHE Commission (10)
BOULDER, Colorado, Nov. 9 (TNSper) -- The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education issued the following news release: Dr. Kevin Carman has been appointed to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), representing the state of Wyoming. As part of the commission, Carman will join WICHE as one of 48 commissioners from the 15 Western states and the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States. He was appointed as provost and executive vice president of the U more PR

Groups Protest Bureau of Land Management Proposed Public Lands Lease Sales in NM, WY and KS (10)
SANTE FE, New Mexico, Nov. 11 (TNSgov) -- Friends of the Earth posted the following news release on Nov. 10, 2022: Adding to growing calls for President Biden to follow through on his promise to stop fossil fuel leasing on public lands, groups today protested in response to the Bureau of Land Management's latest proposal to lease over 260,000 acres of public and ancestral tribal lands across Wyoming, New Mexico, and Kansas at its proposed May 2023 oil and gas lease sale. In response to the sho more PR

WildEarth Guardians: "No More Sacrifice Zones" (10)
SANTA FE, New Mexico, Nov. 9 (TNSgov) -- WildEarth Guardians issued the following news release on Nov. 7, 2022: * * * Guardians and allies protest in response to Bureau of Land Management proposed fracking auction of 260,000 + acres in New Mexico, Wyoming, and Kansas * * * Adding to growing calls for President Biden to follow through on his promise to stop fossil fuel leasing on public lands, groups today delivered more protests in response to the Bureau of Land Management's latest proposal  more PR