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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Delaware Newsletter for 2022-07-03 ( 4 items )  
Adventure Cycling Association: 3 New Routes Add 650 Miles to U.S. Bicycle Route System (10)
MISSOULA, Montana, June 28 -- The Adventure Cycling Association issued the following news release: Adventure Cycling Association is proud to announce the designation of three new U.S. Bicycle Routes in Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Delaware, and the realignment and extension of additional routes through Indiana and Michigan, adding more than 650 miles to the U.S. Bicycle Route System and improving connectivity and the cycling experience. The new routes in Oklahoma and Delaware are the first U.S. Bi more PR

Brady Applauds State Leadership as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and California Pass or Sign 18 Gun Violence Prevention Reforms in the Aftermath of the Bruen Decision (10)
WASHINGTON, July 2 (TNStalk) -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued the following statement on July 1, 2022: * * * Following New York Governor Kathy Hochul's swift signing of S51001, a bill to amend the state's permitting law, Brady applauds Gov. Hochul and the New York legislature and the leaders of New Jersey, Delaware, and California for swiftly passing or signing 18 common-sense gun violence prevention laws this week. States are filling the vacuum created by the Supreme Court more PR

Brady Celebrates the Historic Passage of the Keshall 'KeKe' Anderson Safe Firearm Sales Act (10)
WASHINGTON, June 29 (TNSpol) -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued the following news release: Brady celebrates the passage of Delaware SB 302, the Keshall "KeKe" Anderson Safe Firearm Sales Act, which makes Delaware the first state in the nation to repeal a law that gives firearm dealers immunity from liability for injury caused by their actions. This bill honors KeKe Anderson, who was killed in 2016 as an innocent bystander in a shooting involving a gun sold in an illegal straw more PR

Brady Celebrates the Signing of the Keshall 'KeKe' Anderson Safe Firearm Sales Act, Five Additional Gun Violence Prevention Bills in Delaware (10)
WASHINGTON, July 1 (TNStalk) -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued the following statement on June 30, 2022: * * * Brady applauds Delaware Governor John Carney for swiftly signing six, common-sense and constitutional gun violence prevention bills into law. This package of policies are transformative and will make Delaware safer for all of its residents. Notably, the signing of Delaware SB 302, the Keshall "KeKe" Anderson Safe Firearm Sales Act, makes Delaware the first state in  more PR