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Small Business Oriented Cooperative Agreements Newsletter for 2021-03-28 ( 2 items )  
Cooperative Agreement Makes $500,000 Available for Development of Digital Therapeutics for Substance Use Disorders (10)
WASHINGTON, March 25 -- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health announced that it expects to award a cooperative agreement for the development of digital therapeutics for substance use disorders. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to accelerate the development of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) to treat Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). Advances in technology offer unpreceden more ST

Cooperative Agreement Makes $56,000 Available for Correctional Industries Leadership Training (10)
WASHINGTON, March 25 -- The U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Corrections announced that it expects to award a cooperative agreement for correctional industries leadership training. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "Through this cooperative agreement, NIC seeks to 1) provide correctional administrators with a fully developed virtual instructor-led format training curriculum based on the Instructional Theory Into Practice (ITIP) model, and 2) develop a more ST