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Energy Oriented Cooperative Agreements Newsletter for 2020-12-20 ( 2 items )  
Cooperative Agreements Make $3.3 Million Available for Water Management for Thermal Power Generation (10)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory announced that it expects to award up to three cooperative agreements for water management for thermal power generation. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002399, Water Management for Thermal Power Generation, focuses on supporting projects that facilitate the design, construction, and operation of engineering-scale prototypes of  more ST

Cooperative Agreements Make $4.25 Million Available for Prototype Carbon-Based Building R&D (10)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory announced that it expects to award up to 50 cooperative agreements for the design, research and development, validation and fabrication of a prototype carbon-based building. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "The overall objective of the FOA is to support the design, R&D, and validation of a prototype carbon-based building. A prototype building that meets the project's objectiv more ST