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Energy Oriented Cooperative Agreements Newsletter for 2020-10-18 ( 2 items )  
Cooperative Agreements Make $50 Million Available for Scholarship, Fellowship Support (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 -- The U.S. Department of Energy announced that it expects to award up to 80 cooperative agreements for scholarship and fellowship support. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to award multiple cooperative agreements to accredited United States (U.S.) two- and four-year colleges and universities (Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)) to receive and administer scholarship and fellowship funding--provid more ST

Cooperative Agreements Make $65 Million Available for Projects to Increase Energy Efficiency (10)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced that it expects to award up to eight cooperative agreements for projects to increase energy efficiency. The agency description of the cooperative agreement states: "A Connected Community (CC) is a group of grid-interactive efficient buildings GEB with diverse, flexible end use equipment and other distributed energy resources (DERs) that collectively work to maximize building, commun more ST