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Non-Profit Oriented Federal Grant Opportunities Newsletter for 2024-01-14 ( 2 items )  
$28 Million Funding Available for Support for Research, Education to Enhance U.S. Leadership in Manufacturing (10)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -- The National Science Foundation announced that it expects to award grants for support for research and education to enhance U.S. leadership in manufacturing. The agency description of the grant states: "The goal of Future Manufacturing is to support fundamental research, education, and training of a future workforce to overcome scientific, technological, educational, economic, and social barriers in order to catalyze new manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. more ST

$600,000 Funding Available for Drug Prevention, Awareness Programming in Pakistan (10)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -- The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs announced that it expects to award a grant for drug prevention and awareness programming in Lahore, Pakistan. The agency description of the grant states: "Support the establishment of an anti-drug coalition network in Lahore, Pakistan with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to fight illegal drugs and associated crime. The offeror shall work with INL-Pakistan to identify a more ST