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Energy Oriented Federal Grant Opportunities Newsletter for 2023-09-10 ( 2 items )  
$10 Million Funding Available for Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities (10)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service announced that it expects to award up to 10 grants for assistance to high energy cost communities. The agency description of the grant states: "The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, constru more ST

$2 Billion Funding Available for Domestic Manufacturing Conversion for Electrified Vehicles (10)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 -- The U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory announced that it expects to award up to 15 grants for domestic manufacturing conversion for electrified vehicles. The agency description of the grant states: "Commercial Scale Assembly or Component Manufacturing Facilities for Electrified Vehicles (Large, Medium and Small). To convert commercial scale assembly or component manufacturing facilities from internal combustion engine (ICE) to electrified vehi more ST